
Is it still useful to write?

I believe writing is important. Even though I am very bad at writing, I think that people use writing all the time. In this day and age, articles are being replaced with videos, newspapers being shown by the daily news, and books being formatted into audiobooks. Yet, writing will never cease. Most sources of media today were at a certain in writing. However, I do believe that slowly but surely, many of the writing classes will cease. This class in particular has helped me better express myself in writing, but that betterment in my writing has positively affected my expression in speech as well. I believe that instead of classes like this that benefit peoples expression in writing, there will be instead classes that solely seek to positively affect peoples expression in speech and online. I don’t believe that in the future, traditional English classes like this will have much of a purpose. While I believe Writing is an important skill, I do not believe that classes in the future on this subject will matter so much.

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